Just be human

“When in doubt, do the human thing!”

It was the advice I’d shared as many shifted from offices to remote work in mid-March. From experience, I knew you had to structure in those social interactions that used to happen naturally. No longer were we running into each other at the water cooler, sharing a kind word or scheduling an impromptu coffee that morning.

Virtual happy hours and webinars aside, organizations and people can use social media to build them in more intentionally.

🆒 If you would normally take the time to “like” a piece of content, go beyond the click and add a thoughtful comment.

💬 Don’t just share a piece of content – start the conversation. If you’re sharing a helpful tip or product information, ask your audience a for their input or their advice. Make sure you respond to them (!).

😎 People first. We are craving human connection, and we want to see you and the people you work with. It’s webinars and live events, yes, but it’s also photos and short videos too.

🔎 Look outside of your 1st-degree network to find new people and new content. LinkedIn’s hashtag communities and groups are great places to start. Jump into a conversation where you can add value.

I’m curious: Now that we are more than six months in (!!), how are you creating social interactions with your colleagues and your network?

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