Setting 2020 Vision

Social media can be a force for good.

I believe that social media MUST be a force for good.

Social media can also be misused or amplify that which is not good.

I believe that companies and people should use social media with [good] intention[s] and care.

Social media can tell us a lot about our clients and prospects.

I believe that companies must be on social media for the benefit of their communities.

Social media is a tool for companies to connect with their clients in more meaningful ways.

I believe that companies should be transparent about how they are using social media to reach their clients and prospects and treat data with great care.

As 2020 arrives, I am energized by the capabilities that digital marketing – and social media, in particular – provide our communities and businesses. I am also thoughtful about how social media has impacted our society in negative ways. Through Socially Professional’s work, I strive to bring a balance to organizations so that they benefit from the capabilities of social media while honoring their clients’ needs and wishes and their own ethical framework. In this new year, I bring renewed focus and intention to this core part of Socially Professional’s mission.

How will you bring value to your clients, advance your mission, and honor your organization’s values?

Luann Edwards is a global strategic marketing consultant and founder of Socially Professional.

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