Wise Women Speak – Listen In

Recently I had the pleasure of joining Linda Pritcher and Lana Bastianutti, founders of Wise Women Speak, as a guest on their podcast. I shared my journey through the creation of Socially Professional, and we also explored the power of social media and what it can do for small business owners and professionals of all types. Plenty of gems of wisdom appear throughout our session.

During our conversation, the theme of authenticity emerged. It’s key for businesses when using social media but being authentic is just as key in many parts of life, real and online. And what does being authentic look like if you’re a very private person? Being authentic doesn’t mean sharing everything! You can present information on social media that is helpful to your audience. Just taking the time to know them and meet their needs is a form of authenticity, even if it doesn’t reveal personal details. And if you don’t want to reveal too much, don’t – use the same judgment online as you would in real life.

Listen in to this week’s Wise Women Speak podcast and be inspired by all of the shared wisdom. Have some wisdom of your own? Share it with us in the comments.

Link to Podcast: Wise Women Speak

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